Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Imagine (imagineu-vos)

Before you read another word, sentence, STOP! GOOGLE the word ‘imagine’.

You, if like me will see the image of a YouTube video with the face of John Lennon and a link to the emblematic song ‘Imagine’.

A song of hope. A utopia. Naively idealistic, but at the very least a signpost to the path of a better future.

Some FORTY SEVEN years later I read, ‘Tanqueu els ulls i imagineu-vos…..’ ‘Close your eyes and imagine….’.

‘Close your eyes and imagine..,’ the first few words of the account published in Vilaweb written by Montse Bassa about her sister Dolors Bassa, the Catalan political prisoner, now held indefinitely since 23 March in Alcalà de Henares prison, Spain.

Montse Bassa describes how Dolors Bassa is held in a cell 16 hours a day. Rudimentary furniture. A toilet with no lid. Shower. Iron framed bed. Wooden bench for a seat. Grey walls with an iron door. A window with a view to a barbed wire wall.

Access to the library is limited. A monotonous diet. The humiliation of how water and toilet paper are obtained.

The pain and emotion of those rare moments of family visits…through glass and by way of a dodgy microphone.

Resolve is found in thoughts of freedom and the injustice Dolors Bassa and the other political prisoners have to bear. Dolors finds strength in the support of the Catalan people. Dolors sleeps with thoughts of home. Montgrì.


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