Thursday, 17 May 2018

What YOU can do

Wear a yellow ribbon, like Pep Guardiola, in solidarity with the Catalan political prisoners.

Tweet your support: @usvolemacasa [we want you home], #LlibertatPresosPolítics [freedom for political prisoners]. There are images and pictures at

Write to the political prisoners. Current addresses are at

Organise a debate, on democracy, free speech and the situation in Catalonia.
Motion: This House believes that the Spanish Government should release its political prisoners, and allow political exiles to return home.

Fly the Catalan independence flag from your home. You can get one here.

Make a donation to Clara Ponsatí's defence fund

Make a donation to the political prisoners' families fund, the Catalan Association for Civil Rights.  You can make a donation directly to their bank account:
IBAN: ES71 3025 0001 1814 3359 2190

Offer to help the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) in your country.

For Scotland, the contact is;
Escòcia per la independència
For England;
Anglaterra per la independència

Write to your MP, MSP, MEP and ask them to ask a Parliamentary Question. For example:
  1. What steps has the Foreign Minister taken to demand the release of political prisoners in Spain? 
  2. What representations will the Foreign Minister make to the Spanish Government to protest against the jailing of elected Catalan politicians?
  3. Does the Prime/First Minister regard the actions of the Spanish Government in jailing Catalan politicians as appropriate for a modern, democratic European state?

To the Spanish Ambassador in London
Ambassador Carlos Bastarreche Sagües
The Spanish Embassy
39 Chesham Place
London SW1X8SB
Tel: 020 7235 55 55
Fax: 020 7259 53 92

To the Spanish Consul General in Scotland:
Ricardo Martínez Vázquez
Cónsul General
The Spanish Consulate in Scotland
63 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3LJ
Tel: 0131 220 1843

To the Spanish President:
Sr. Pedro Sanchez
Complejo de la Moncloa
Avda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n
28071 Madrid

To the Spanish Foreign Minister:
Sr. Josep Borrell
Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación
Sede Palacio de Santa Cruz
Plaza de la Provincia, 1
28071 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 379 97 00

There is more stuff to do at

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